Sharon SklarApr 11, 2023Rolfing® for ChangeMy Rolfing® clients are people who seek change. Since change is multi-faceted, seeing where YOU are, is the place you start YOUR...
Sharon SklarDec 23, 2022Our wonderful feet and Rolfing®Our feet are miracles of creation. They allow us to walk, run, climb stairs, hike, skip, hop, and give us proper balance. Hopefully, we...
Sharon SklarNov 3, 2021The Art of PatienceMy latest article, "The Art of Patience" has been published. I'd love it if you clicked here to read it. Peace and health, Sharon Please...
Sharon SklarApr 1, 2021Animal Awareness AprilSharon Sklar continues to celebrate her 40th year in her Rolfing® practice with her "giving back" themes for each month. Unable to have a...
Sharon SklarMar 31, 2021FoodShare February resultsMy heartfelt thanks to all of you that supported my giving back initiative for February, FoodShare February. We were able to give over...
Sharon SklarJan 28, 202140 Years of Rolfing®I remember when I was twenty-two, post-college, and in my second session of my original Rolfing® series, I “knew” that I was going to...